Detailed planning
- Convenient planning of jobs
- Forward-thinking preparation of resources
- Production planning in compliance with deadlines
- Quick identification of available capacity
- Efficient prevention of bottlenecks before they arise
In the detailed planning display, production jobs are shown as coloured bars. The signal colours green, yellow and red indicate the status of the respective job. This advises you in good time of approaching deadlines and allows you to ensure that they are met. In addition, the resulting transparency makes forward-thinking planning possible.
Useful tools and functions
The detailed planning display contains a wide number of user-friendly tools and functions. These functions make light work of production planning, which is often a very complex process. The following section outlines a few of them.
Using the implemented search function, including a detailed search, the user can locate specific jobs in a matter of seconds. Furthermore the detailed search can be limited to specific machines, tools/moulds, material etc.
Especially useful are the functions for the relative calculation of quantities and dates. They allow the user to calculate at which point in time a specific quantity of a job will have been produced and vice versa. These functions make it even easier to estimate whether demand is covered and deadlines can be met.
To ensure a smooth manufacturing process, it is essential to ensure that enough production personnel are on hand at all times. This is where staff requirements planning comes in. The number of setters and operators required is calculated separately, enabling the job planner to see at a glance whether sufficient production personnel are available. The job planner can see in advance whether there will be a shortage of personnel at any time and can reschedule staff accordingly.
The EDP systems can be linked via interfaces, allowing the transfer of recorded operating data from one system to another. This means that the production jobs arriving automatically from the ERP coupling can be transferred to detailed planning via drag and drop. Here, feedback from detailed planning to the ERP system can significantly reduce the effort required for synchronisation of the systems involved.