ProSeS stands for professional software systems and was founded by:
Dipl.-Math. Andreas Reiling (CEO) Dipl.-Math. Thomas Frey (Software Manager) Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Bauer (Consultant) Dipl.-Inf. Heiko Uhr (Consultant)
First installation in the metal sector. Installations in other European countries (Italy, France and the Czech Republic). The company relocates from Niefern-Öschelbronn to Pforzheim.
At this time, ProSeS already has 100 customers and has doubled its customer base between 2000 and 2002. The MES Group is founded, comprising ProSeS BDE GmbH, Quipsy CAQ, Econ Solutions and IVS, with the aim of offering customers holistic solutions on a partnership basis.
Takeover of IT company CIM-Service GmbH.
ProSeS expands its range, integrating the metal sector and connecting more than 500 machines in over 10 companies. The number of employees rises to 20. Purchase of the entire office complex.
ProSeS wins an award in the category “Special Technology“ at the international plastics fair Plastpol in Poland. At the same time, the company concludes a sales co-operation agreement with Polish company Dopak.
Many international firms already rely on ProSeS BDE GmbH and its expert support. Development of a browser-based terminal solution. Integration of new mobile ODA system components.
The German federal association of medium-sized IT companies awards ProSeS ODA its seal of approval for service, quality and investment security. More than 10,000 production machines connected to the ODA system.
Integration of energy measurement (EDE) and partnership with econ solutions GmbH.
ProSeS takes over CAQ company Quipsy Quality GmbH & Co. KG, thus expanding its operations to cover the field of quality management.
Further expansion of ODA and CAQ. The company now has 50 employees, 200 CAQ customers, 250 ODA customers and more than 12.000 connected production machines.
Groundbreaking ceremony for the new company building in the Andreas-Odenwald-Weg in Pforzheim.
Relocation to the new company building in Andreas-Odenwald-Weg 8 in D-75177 Pforzheim.
25th anniversary of ProSeS BDE GmbH
Flexibility through modular design
Its modular design allows you to quickly and easily adjust the ODA system to current operational situations and put it into operation. Customisations map production processes, enabling intuitive operation of the programs by the users. Modular configuration levels grow with the company and provide the option of integrating and successively incorporating further functions and operational areas at any time.
Your company and the users of the system are our focus. In consultation with you, our experienced and highly competent project managers define the relevant ODA components which can be applied profitably. This means there are no unnecessary costs as a result of unused system components.
The analysis module for evaluation and reporting of production data provides a comprehensive overview of the operation data.
The Production Monitor visualises your entire production plant in real time and presents a virtual image of the actual status. All events occurring can thus be detected immediately.
With the ProSeS group terminals, feedback from the production hall flows promptly and with little effort into the ODA system.
The ProSeS Maintenance module is the optimum way to reduce start-up costs and repairs.
Using the Electronic Information System EIS, the very latest operating data can be forwarded automatically as a text message, via e-mail, voice mail or smart message.
The process data module allows convenient management of the tolerance limits and limit values for the setup and production parameters.
DNC Administration maps the paperless exchange of DNC records between machines and the ODA system.
The detailed planning display offers production managers many tools and industry-specific functions for optimum control of production processes.
It is extremely important that an application is uncomplicated and convenient in everyday use. When you have been using a software application for a while and no longer notice it, when you take it for granted and can no longer imagine how things worked before you had this system, that’s when you know it’s right.
Marco Müller, Junior Director of Leicht und Müller
We all aim to carry out all customer orders without errors and to use the system to maximise machine capacity utilisation and continuously improve processes in order to boost our competitiveness.
Peter Mannsdörfer, Head of Work Scheduling at Erich Lacher
The plastics industry is a highly competitive growth market. To hold your own on this market, you have to work quickly, intelligently and to high quality standards.
Evelyn Duarte, CEO of FEP Fahrzeugelektrik Pirna GmbH
The following options are currently available if you would like to become part of our team: